Finding the right way to deal with your student loan debt is easier when you know some basics about how your student loans work. Understanding the types of student loans you can hold and how interest gets applied to your debt once you end your full-time enrollment in school can be key to determining the best solution for your needs.
Knowing which way to go to fund your education.
How you decide to fund your education is a critical decision. The same goes if you’re helping your kids. The right choices set you up for success. On the other hand, the wrong choices can leave you in a bind for decades to come.
There’s also a big difference in how you get help for federal loans versus private loans, and what damage they can do to your financial outlook if you fail to pay. So if you’re behind, it’s important to know which loans you have so you can find the right way to move forward.
What are the differences between the two?
Besides where the loans came from, there are some key differences that are important to know about: